
Siobhánn is the sister of Súileabhán and Aoibheann.

ball jointed doll

I want to keep the treasures and knowledge of the past safe and sheltered from the deteriorating present and future.

Type of DollDoll Chateau B-body-01 with Dollzone Emily head in white skin
Type of EyesKanis glass eyes
Face-up in picture aboveBy me
ModificationsCarved and sculpted seeing eyes into the palms of her hands.
Date of arrival
Meaning of nameGod is gracious


ball jointed dollDollzone Emily BJD creepy seer of the past

Story of the Draequehaless family


PersonalityThe seer of the past cares greatly for all aspects of her life and lovingly mends and adjusts her clothing. Her long hair has never been cut, every broken nail is saved. The bodies of the few animal companions she has had have been preserved so she can visit them occasionally.
Her sisters and herself do not always get along, they are too different and walk their own paths. Occasionally they run into each other and at best tolerate their presence.
Relationships Súileabhán – sister
Aoibheann – sister
Goals in life I want to keep the treasures and knowledge of the past safe and sheltered from the deteriorating present and future.
Favorite quote
LifeAs the seer of the past, she hangs on to everything. Unable to say goodbye to belongings, friends, family, pets and any other part of life, she has a growing collection of personal memorabilia. The sometimes morbid relics of the past are kept in safe places she can visit, as she travels a lot.

Owner’s story